Plot: After being held captive for thirteen years, Ivy Moxam finally escapes from her cellar to resume her life. However, things get complicated when the police find that she is hiding certain secrets.
Plot: Tommy Conley, a New York policeman, suddenly loses track of the serial killer he was following. Finding a link between his investigation and a series of murders in Stockholm, he decides to head to Sweden to dig deeper.
Plot: When American student Molly is murdered while studying in London, her roommate, Grace, becomes the prime suspect in the crime. Being thrust into the spotlight makes Grace a popular target for people in the media and on social media. Hoping to help clear her sister's name, Natalie leaves her life in...
Plot: Clair, an ex-police officer, moves away from the city in order to escape her violent past that still disturbs her. But soon, she is dragged back to the case by John, her former lover and colleague.
Plot: Inspired by real experiences of police officers and mental-health professionals, CBC's "Cracked" mixes police and medical drama. Each episode features the psychological side of policing as well as the emotional impact of front-line workers. Detective Aidan Black, who has post-traumatic stress disorder...
Plot: An American family's Australian vacation takes a tragic turn when sadistic serial killer Mick Taylor targets the tourists. College student Eve is the lone survivor after Taylor attacks the family in the Outback. Determined to avenge the deaths of her parents and younger brother, Eve sets out to hunt...
Plot: `One of Us', written by Harry and Jack Williams, captures the tragic story of childhood sweethearts, Adam Eliot and Grace Douglas, who are murdered as they arrive back home from their honeymoon. Based in the isolated Scottish Highland village of Braeston, the households of the deceased are shattered...
Plot: Matilda Gray, an ambitious musician and talented cellist, has her life suddenly turned upside down when her mother commits suicide. While going through her deceased mom's possessions, Gray finds an old box filled with newspaper cuttings about the disappearance of a young girl from a small Welsh village...
Plot: `Rellik' unravels the obsessive hunt of DCI Gabriel Markham to find the serial killer who left the detective both physically and mentally scarred. Telling the tale backwards from the end, the story begins with the capture of the killer, and reverses from kill to kill to the very beginning of the murderer...
Plot: `Paranoid', written by Bill Gallagher, features an all-star cast including Indira Varma, Robert Glenister, Neil Stuke and Lesley Sharp. The drama follows the mystery behind the murder of a local female GP, Angela Benton. When the incident takes place in a rural children's playground in front of several...
Plot: Based on the Letty Dobesh books by Blake Crouch, the seductive thriller "Good Behavior" centers on con artist Letty Raines and her inability -- despite good intentions -- to consistently live a clean life. Fresh out of prison, Letty attempts to reunite with her 10-year-old son and keep in regular contact...
Plot: Eric Neill is sent to jail after the judge finds him guilty of killing author Olivia Lake. His sister, however, denies the allegations and decides to reinvestigate the case herself.
Plot: Freddy and Baba are a deadly duo, drawn together by violence and the dark past that haunts each of them. DS Lola Franks and DI Jackson Mendy are new partners thrown together to catch the killers before they strike again.
Plot: A widowed cop tapped to lead a special cybercrimes unit partners with a former hacker to hunt down tech-savvy criminals who are terrorizing Belgium.
Plot: The true story of DS Stephen Fulcher and his hunt for missing 22-year-old Sian O'Callaghan, and how it lead to the arrest of Christopher Halliwell. This was the beginning of the capture of a prolific serial killer and the detectives own downfall.
Plot: A young tech-titan from Silicon Valley decides to build a hospital with a new-school approach to medicine and enlists a veteran surgeon who has a controversial past.
Plot: An undercover agent solves complicated cases by transforming himself into different persons. He descends into severe paranoia when a mysterious stranger forces him to question his real identity.
Plot: Shaun, a young doctor, joins a renowned hospital in San Jose, California, but his colleagues do not socialize with him. He uses his skills to treat patients and prove his abilities to his co-workers.
Plot: Cormoran Strike is a series of crime fiction novels written by British author J. K. Rowling, published under the pseudonym Robert Galbraith. The story chronicles the cases of private detective Cormoran Strike and his partner Robin Ellacott. Five novels in the series have so far been published. Wikipedia...
Plot: Tony and Emily Hughes go to France on a holiday with their five-year-old son Oliver. However, when their car breaks down one night in a small town, Tony suddenly loses sight of his son.
Plot: Six years after going missing and being declared dead, FBI agent Emily Byrne is found alive in a cabin in the woods. With no memory of her past, she sets out to reclaim her life and identity.
Plot: The psychological thriller examines the lives of two hunters -- one is a serial killer who preys on victims in and around Belfast, Northern Ireland, and the other is a female detective drafted from the London Metropolitan Police to catch him. The local authorities have no suspects and no experience...
Plot: Widowed surgeon Tom has struggled to raise his two daughters alone following his wife's death a year ago. Things seem to be on the right track for the family, who live in a gated community, because they have close friends nearby and Tom is in the early stages of a new relationship. But the situation...
Plot: Malcolm Bright, a former FBI profiler, is the son of a serial killer and suspects that he himself might become a sociopath. He solves crimes for the NYPD as a form of absolution for his upbringing.
Plot: Malcolm Bright, a former FBI profiler, is the son of a serial killer and suspects that he himself might become a sociopath. He solves crimes for the NYPD as a form of absolution for his upbringing.
Plot: Nasir Khan gives a lift to a mysterious woman and takes her to a party hosted by his friend. However, he is charged with murder when she is found dead and must prove his innocence.
Plot: Acclaimed writer Hans Rosenfeldt continues his first British drama following the international success of the Swedish/Danish series `The Bridge'. Anna Friel stars in the lead role of Marcella Backland, a British police detective working in contemporary London. Set in Rosenfeldt's unique style of Nordic...
Plot: "Cardinal" is based on the novels of crime writer Giles Blunt and focuses on detective John Cardinal and his partner, Lise Delorme. The two detectives investigate crime in the city of Algonquin Bay, such ones can include the murder of a young girl. Cardinal works to right past wrongs that could threaten...
Plot: Forensic pathologist Dr. Daniel Harrow is able to solve cases that others can't, but he does it with a total disregard for authority. Part of that is due to the fact that he has an unfailing empathy for the dead, and it is those feelings he has for the deceased that leads him to bend every rule in order...
Plot: Based on Kem Nunn's acclaimed novel, this provocative thriller follows Dr. Eldon Chance ("House" star Hugh Laurie), a San Francisco-based forensic neuropsychiatrist who has some skeletons in his closet. After being drawn into the crosshairs of an alluring patient who may or may not be struggling with...
Plot: `Collateral' is a four-part thriller set in London that takes place over four days. When a pizza delivery driver is shot down in South London, Detective Inspector Kip Glaspie, played by `Great Gatsby' star Carey Mulligan, is left in charge of the investigation and refuses to accept the murder as just...
Plot: When the corpse of an 11-year-old British boy, Danny Latimer, is found bloodied and dirty on an idyllic beach, a small Dorset community becomes the focus of a police investigation and media madness. Out-of-town Detective Inspector Alec Hardy gets the point position over Detective Sgt. Ellie Miller --...
Plot: Holly attends university with her childhood best friend. But when her friend becomes embroiled with an exclusive group of people and her behavior changes, Holly becomes concerned for her and decides to investigate. Now, a new term has started and Holly lives with some younger student activists. A new...
Plot: Blind 20-something Murphy is drifting through life in a haze of drunkenness, and her only friends are her understanding roommate Jess and Tyson, a sweet teenager she met when he saved her from a violent mugging. Murphy's life is turned upside down when, while out for a walk with her guide dog, she stumbles...
Plot: Paula, a teacher, has a one-night stand with James, a handyman she hired. But when James begins to stalk and threaten her, Paula engages him in fight she is determined to win.
Plot: Stefan Kowolski and Arash Sayyad, two junior investigators working for Serious Fraud Office, go against powerful corporations and people who only appear to be legitimate.
Plot: Morven Christie stars as DS Lisa Armstrong in Morecambe-based crime drama `The Bay'. When DS Armstrong is drawn into the search for teenage twins who have gone missing in the coastal town, she is perturbed to realise that she has a personal connection to the case. She is assigned as the Family Liaison...
Plot: DS Steve Arnott is transferred to the anti-corruption unit after he refuses to participate in a cover-up that involves an innocent man getting shot in a police encounter.
Plot: When a teenaged girl disappears from a village near the Ardennes Forest, local police and a concerned teacher begin to uncover a web of unsettling secrets.
Plot: Michael Kerrigan, the priest of a community parish in Northern England, struggles to deal with his childhood trauma while trying to guide a group of parishioners through their everyday troubles.