Plot: Love Game is a 2009 Japanese TV series by Yomiuri Telecasting Corporation. The 13 episodes take the premise of a game organized by the lead character Himuro Sae, with the supporting role of the "mystery woman" in a different persona in each episode. Wikipedia
Plot: Learning that Iraz does not have a life of 2 months in reality, Zelis and Mustafa were married to each other in order to inherit her money and the adventure began.
Plot: When a mother-daughter moves into the opposite house of a family living with their own problems, the men of the family think the same thing. The tension begins.
Plot: Howard plans something special to celebrate the anniversary of his first date with Bernadette. Sheldon is conflicted when he makes a major scientific breakthrough but some details have to be corrected. Tarik, a successful surgeon, comes upon the invitation of a colleague and finds himself in a village...
Plot: Cesur Gocer, the son of the leading Gocer family in Kilis, falls in love with Ilknur, the daughter of a modest family. Cesur Aga, although they started to prepare for marriage, there is another person in the heart of Ilknur. When they marry, Ilknur tells Cesur that she does not like him and does not...
Plot: Literature Teacher Mahir Soysal is looking for a new life that he can take refuge in at the same time as stepping out of the door of Dersaadet High School for the first lesson day. In the past, Mahir led all of his colleagues to problematic students whom they regarded as desperate cases and gave them...
Plot: Saraswatichandra and Kumud agree to marry each other as per their parents' wishes. Initially reluctant, they soon fall in love but separate due to unforeseeable circumstances, only to reunite later.
Plot: Merhaba Hayat is a Turkish series broadcast on Fox. It is a licensed adaptation of Private Practice and jointly produced by Med Productions. Ended February 13, 2013. Wikipedia