Plot: Morning in the Streets is a BBC television documentary directed by Denis Mitchell and Roy Harris in 1959, for the BBC Northern Film Unit. It was broadcast on 25 March 1959. The documentary was described simply as "an impression of life and opinion in the back streets of a northern city in the morning...
Plot: When an American property developer arrives in London, he is perplexed at the warm welcome he is given by the employees of a vast photographic archive. It seems there has been a misunderstanding, and he tells the head of the collection that the ten million pictures will have to be sold or destroyed.
Plot: New Yorker article written by Pulitzer prize-winning author John Hersey, featuring recollections of six survivors of the world's first atomic bomb drop.
Plot: Stephen Poliakoff-penned drama which follows Gideon, a leading PR consultant, over a few months in 1997 as he is courted by the government to manage the millennium festivities. Gideon finds that the hollowness of the high-profile public life is exposed by his relationships with his daughter, who is...
Plot: Il Cuore nel Pozzo is a TV movie, produced by state broadcaster RAI, that focuses on the escape of a group of children from Tito's partisans in the aftermath of World War II, as they start an ethnic cleansing of all Italians from Istria and the Julian March. Wikipedia