Plot: This series features Anastasia, a young beautiful girl who has a relationship with both a young man and his father. When she learns the truth about the two men she is connected to, she does nothing to straighten things out, so things start to get really complicated... This series features Anastasia,...
Plot: Tmima Ithon is a Greek television series produced in 1992-1995, created by Manousos Manousakis and aired by ANT1. The series presents a group of police officers that undertakes the resolution of various cases. A team of police officers, specifically of the Department of Ethics, undertakes to solve various...
Plot: Story of two police officers, Tasos and Antonis, who are transferred from their services to the E.Y.P. in order to track down a businessman with suspicious activities. They are placed in an apartment opposite the businessman's office, which coincidentally is located above the house where Tasos' in-laws...
Plot: Singles is a British sitcom set in a singles bar produced by Yorkshire Television. It aired for three series and 22 episodes on the ITV network between 1988 and 1991. Wikipedia
Plot: The story of a small girl in the 40's who's life is a fairy tale, from good fairies to villain witches.She tells us her hard but also tender history full of magic and secrets..
Plot: A series of episodes based on real crimes that shocked the public opinion. But these stories have been altered so as the people involved not to be recognized. The heroes are sometimes the perpetrators and sometimes the victims.
Plot: Savvas and Lydia are happily married for a decade with two daughters. Every Sunday morning they visit either Savvas' family or Lydia's in order to eat and speak about their lives. Most of the times, these Sunday meals lead to peculiar situations,misunderstandings,fights and funny moments. Savvas and...
Plot: Mavra Mesanychta is a Greek series that was broadcast at Mega Channel. The writer of this black comedy is the actor and also writer Vasilis Risvas which has one of main role in the comedy and the writer Demeter Sakalis. Wikipedia