Plot: Fun-loving 5-year-old Henry Hugglemonster, the middle child in a close-knit monster family, goes on adventures where he learns various life lessons like learning to work in a team and helping others. Joining Henry on his adventures are his parents, Daddo and Momma, and siblings Cobby, Summer and baby...
Plot: Follow the adventures of a group of rag dolls as they explore creativity, friendship, magic and music at the same time as they get into small and funny mishaps.
Plot: Ariel is a teenaged mermaid who lives under the sea with her father, the sea king, her six sisters and various friends. Together, they try to keep harm away from Atlantica as enemies try to ruin their peaceful kingdom. Ariel takes viewers on underwater adventures into caves, meeting humans, and singing...
Plot: Polly is often told she is too little to do the things she wants to do, but Polly proves what every kid knows, that being little isn't a limitation.
Plot: In this series, young Noddy becomes a detective as he and his friends set out to solve mysteries in Toyland. Whenever something is amiss in the colorful land, Noddy and best friends Bumpy Dog and Revs get on the case to find out what is going on and how they can make things right. Noddy uses his investigation...
Plot: Created by British animator and illustrator Julia Pott, the series follows the adventures of Oscar and his best friend, Hedgehog, who have just been dropped off at their first summer camp. Away from their parents, the two quickly learn that Summer Camp Island is not a normal summer camp: the counselors...
Plot: BFFs Wesley and Georgie, with their silly cat sidekick Pretzel, transform into ninjas and enter a magical world where they solve problems and save the day.
Plot: This revamped incarnation of the "My Little Pony" franchise not only appeals to the little girls that the toy line is primarily marketed to, but has drawn a cult following of teenagers, self-proclaimed "geeks," and even adults that remember the TV series, specials and films dating back to the 1980s...
Plot: Led by 543-year-old Papa Smurf, life is seemingly perfect for the three-apple-tall blue pals living in Smurf Village, except for all the times they must battle the evil wizard Gargamel and his nasty cat Azrael.
Plot: Scrooge McDuck and his three nephews, Huey, Dewey, and Louie, are always in the midst of something adventurous, be it in the depth of the sea, outer space or the heart of the jungle.
Plot: The lovable warthog Pumbaa and his meerkat buddy Timon carry on the "hakuna matata" (no worries) lifestyle, which can get them into plenty of jungle trouble. Watch these two friends from "The Lion King" as they travel on funny African adventures. Simba even stops by for a visit from time to time.
Plot: Kids love adventures, whether they go on an adventure themselves or see someone do so in a TV show or movie. Which is what happens on "Justin Time." Justin and his make-believe friends, navigator Olive and Squidgy, a shape-shifting piece of yellow clay, go on historical adventures that let them, and...
Plot: Scrooge McDuck and his three nephews, Huey, Dewey, and Louie, are always in the midst of something adventurous, be it in the depth of the sea, outer space or the heart of the jungle.
Plot: Mia is an awkward 12-year-old who recently arrived at a new boarding school, where she is given a book and bracelet that are more than they appear to be on the surface. The items have the power to transport Mia to a magical storybook world, Centopia, where she becomes a flying elf who has the ability...
Plot: Tabaluga is an animated television series produced by Flying Bark Productions, based on the character of the same name created by Peter Maffay. In this series, Tabaluga is the last of the dragons and the crown-prince of Greenland, a magical place inhabited by talking animals of many different species...
Plot: This animated series features the adventures of 4-year-old Chloe with her friends and toys. The group goes on magical adventures in Chloe's closet (hence the show's title). Being a children's show, the episodes aim to teach kids lessons about such topics as friends, cooperation and sharing. Chloe's...
Plot: The intelligent, fearless heroine 8-year-old True and best friend Bartleby, the cat, helps the whimsical citizens of the Rainbow Kingdom with their problems. The Rainbow Kingdom is full of fantastical citizens of all colors and when something goes wrong True is the only one with the ability to wake...
Plot: Getting kids to go to sleep when you want them to can be difficult. "The Pajanimals" hope to help accomplish that task. The four cuddly friends on the show snuggle together each night to sing sweet nighttime songs to their preschool friends at home. The puppet characters include bossy dog Apollo, energetic...
Plot: Kind-hearted dragon-in-training Digby has a thirst for adventure, which often lands him in some unusual situations. But Digby is able to overcome the trouble he faces as his bravery and determination help him tackle any obstacle that gets in his way. That makes him a good preschool companion to friends...
Plot: Julius Jr. is a young monkey who, along with his friends, is able to make ordinary objects come to life and have fantastic adventures inside a magical playroom known as the Box. For Julius and his buddies, all it takes is their imagination mixed with an object like a rubber ball or an insect to create...
Plot: Little Mila turns playtime into a series of fun and educational adventures with her magical pet Morphle, who transforms into anything she dream up.
Plot: Olivia and Stan live on the fanciful and colourful island of the Paprika twins. Stan is a brave little tiger running at full speed on his wheelchair, while his sister is organised, very creative and a bit cerebral.
Plot: True and her friends love to make music -- and they want young viewers to dance and sing along. The video shorts featured here pair songs and scenes from the animated web series "True and the Rainbow Kingdom," which follows intelligent, fearless 8-year-old heroine True, her best friend, the cat Bartleby...
Plot: Cheetree, Penguala, Draggle, Puppit, and their new friends explore Hatchtopia, solving mysteries, learning life lessons, and having exciting adventures.
Plot: An eleven year-old girl discovers that she is a descendant of Snow White, and is tasked with protecting her family from the evil queen and her vengeful plan.
Plot: Animated preschool series encouraging children, through imaginary adventures, to challenge the workings of the world. Things can always be different if you just imagine, and the world doesn't have to work the way grown-ups think it should.
Plot: Simple songs mixed with bright and colourful animations for young kids to learn about the vibrant world around them. Together they explore colours, animals, numbers, and vehicles.