Plot: A Man's life on his farm is interrupted when a cop and a pair of dangerous criminals show up. Two best friends , working together at the Egyptian museum. Farag was rehearsing a new Egyptian local beat that he composed. Taken by the hype beats, he smashed a monument and broke its arm.. When his friend...
Plot: Dennis and his pet dog, Gnasher, live by just one rule: Kids should make all the rules! Because, as everyone knows, playing by adult rules is no fun for any kid. So the two pals set out to have as much fun as humanly -- and animally -- possible by pushing limits, crossing lines and generally testing...
Plot: Bakkar is an Egyptian cartoon series that has been broadcast on Arabic TV stations during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan each year since the late 1990s. The series revolves around the adventures of a young Nubian-Egyptian boy named Bakkar, his pet Rashida, and his friends. Wikipedia