Plot: Button Nose is a 26-episode Japanese animated TV series that aired from 19 October 1985 to 26 April 1986. It was animated by Topcraft and it was the first TV series produced by Sanrio. An English dub was produced by Saban in 1994. Wikipedia
Plot: Tickety Toc Clock is a special clock located in the middle of a wall of clocks inside an old clock shop. The clock chimes the time every hour, but it's not as easy as it seems. Behind the clock's face is an extraordinary world where things don't always run smoothly. The show's heroes are 8-year-old...
Plot: Ahd is a wealthy woman who's the head of the family, and she has always depended on coffee readings to predict significant and life-altering events in her personal and family lives, but she gradually learns that her own family is plotting against her. Ahd is a wealthy woman who's the head of the...
Plot: Demetan Croaker, The Boy Frog, also known as Demetan the Frog and The Brave Frog, is a 39 episode anime series by Tatsunoko Productions first aired in 1973. Wikipedia
Plot: Hello! Sandybell is an anime series made by Toei Animation in 1981. It was aired in Japan by TV Asahi. In the original title when it was first made in Japan, an "E" was added to the title; "Sandybelle". Wikipedia
Plot: Anime Himitsu no Hanazono is an anime television series aired in Japan from 1991 to 1992. It is an adaptation of the 1911 novel The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett. Wikipedia
Plot: Bakkar is an Egyptian cartoon series that has been broadcast on Arabic TV stations during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan each year since the late 1990s. The series revolves around the adventures of a young Nubian-Egyptian boy named Bakkar, his pet Rashida, and his friends. Wikipedia
Plot: Freej is an Emirati CGI television series for children. The English tagline for the show is The Fun 1879 Girls of Atlanta The show was produced by Mohammed Saeed Harib, who also directed the fifteen standalone episodes of fifteen minutes each. Wikipedia