Plot: Muhammad: The Final Legacy or Qamar Bani Hashim is a 2008 historical Arab drama series directed by Mohammad Sheikh Najib, which is currently airing on Islam Channel weekly. It is the first drama series which has depicted the life of Muhammad mostly maintaining the Islamic traditions and depictional...
Plot: Bakkar is an Egyptian cartoon series that has been broadcast on Arabic TV stations during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan each year since the late 1990s. The series revolves around the adventures of a young Nubian-Egyptian boy named Bakkar, his pet Rashida, and his friends. Wikipedia
Plot: Prophet Joseph is a 2008 Iranian TV series directed by Farajollah Salahshoor, which tells the story of Prophet Joseph from the Quran and Islamic traditions. It is also set in the historical context of the Amarna period of ancient Egypt. Wikipedia
Plot: A Man's life on his farm is interrupted when a cop and a pair of dangerous criminals show up. Two best friends , working together at the Egyptian museum. Farag was rehearsing a new Egyptian local beat that he composed. Taken by the hype beats, he smashed a monument and broke its arm.. When his friend...