Plot: House with Lilies was a Russian-Ukrainian melodramatic TV series Directed by Vladimir Krasnopolsky and Valery Uskov. The authors describe their series as a family saga. The premiere took place in Ukraine on TV channel Inter March 31, 2014. In Russia the premiere was held on Channel One. Wikipedia
Plot: 1996 Russia. A government subsidized delegation heads to Bulgaria to meet the prophet and contemporary marvel- Vanga. A TV crew joins the delegates hoping to interview the extraordinary woman. Among the group, Vanga singles out an intern, Alisa, who will bear witness to Vanga's heart-rending confession...
Plot: This is the very first feature to have ever told a story of the Russian revolutionary, Chapaev, in such a gripping and heart-stirring manner. The series takes us through thorny days of the national hero as the numerous layers of love and hate, pride and shame, great victory and inconsolable loss unfold...
Plot: A war rages between Russia and Germany; a displaced woman, Margarita Nazarova, is traded among slave owners until a man saves her from abuse; the war comes to an end, and Margarita travels home to Riga, where a circus is about to begin.