Plot: Sisters Lesia and Sasha grew up in a good but poor family. Sasha, her parents' favorite, is smart and beautiful while her sister Lesia is an unremarkable girl interested only in material things. Life changes dramatically, however, after their parents die. Having sold her flat and convincing her sister...
Plot: Adjutants of Love is a 2005 Russian telenovela. It is the second successful historical telenovela from Amedia Productions, after Poor Nastya. Wikipedia
Plot: This is the very first feature to have ever told a story of the Russian revolutionary, Chapaev, in such a gripping and heart-stirring manner. The series takes us through thorny days of the national hero as the numerous layers of love and hate, pride and shame, great victory and inconsolable loss unfold...
Plot: Doctor Zhivago is a 2002 British television miniseries directed by Giacomo Campiotti and starring Hans Matheson, Keira Knightley and Sam Neill. The teleplay by Andrew Davies is based on the 1957 novel of the same title by Boris Pasternak. Wikipedia
Plot: The film is based on real events, happened in the beginning of WW2 in august 1941 in Belorussia. Mikhail Romanov (Lumberjack) - a former Major General, who fell under the knife of Stalin's purges in the army and was sent to the camps. At the beginning of the war, he was sent to the front in Belarus...
Plot: This film tells the story of the early years of the famous Soviet commander, Grigoriy Kotovskiy, during the decline of tsarism in Russia. As a student at agricultural college in 1900, Kotovskiy meets a group of graduates who pledge eternal friendship and loyalty to one another even though their lives...
Plot: Empire under Attack is a 12-episode 2000 Russian miniseries, about the confrontation of the Security Department and the SR Combat Organization at the beginning of the 20th century. The series covers eight years of the history of the Russian Empire – from 1901 to 1908. Wikipedia
Plot: The Morozov family lives in a small city, and their story is a sad one. Mother, Maria was orphaned at a young age while her husband Aleksey became an alcoholic after leaving the military following years of service. Their eldest daughter Galina dreamed of being an actress but unfortunately lacked talent...
Plot: Peter the Great: The Testament is a Russian TV series about Peter the Great, made in 2011 and based on the novel by Daniil Granin's Evenings with Peter the Great. The film was produced by Studio 2-B-2 entertainment and was shown on Rossiya 1, the Russian TV channel. Wikipedia
Plot: Sveta was happily married and had a bright career as a pianist. But after an accident in she injured her hand, and had to left behind musical career. Svetlana was depressed and cope with it only thanks to husband Sasha - the bus driver. But the difficulties were only up to start - now both his wife...