Description: Genre: Drama, Mystery Year Released: 2009 Number of seasons: 1 Number of episodes: 16 First episode air date: November 9, 2009 Program Creator: Central Partnership
Plot: Three friends start an Agency of Non-standard Life Situations (NLS Agency for short) to help people with their extraordinary life problems. Their are joined by a bunch of weird characters and a local crime boss.
Plot: Klim is a Russian psychological crime drama television series starring Konstantin Lavronenko as the title character, Detective Chief Inspector Klim, who works in Saint Petersburg, Russia. The series is a direct remake of the BBC TV series Luther. The show is produced by Sreda for broadcast on Channel...
Plot: Major Anastasia Kamenskaya, crime analyst, investigates the death of Justice Department officer, a young woman. A closer look at what seemed to be an accident results in a dangerous game where the price is Kamenskaya's life. Late 1990s - early 2000s. Crime has gotten out of the control of law enforcement...
Plot: The film is based on real events, happened in the beginning of WW2 in august 1941 in Belorussia. Mikhail Romanov (Lumberjack) - a former Major General, who fell under the knife of Stalin's purges in the army and was sent to the camps. At the beginning of the war, he was sent to the front in Belarus...
Plot: Roman Freydin, a former psychologist and professional poker player, becomes a special consultant in a crime detection department. In this new role, Roman assists with work in the prosecutor's office.
Plot: LIKE A SLAVE The main characters find themselves in a provincial town of Ozersk driven there by a number of cult murders,which happened within a few months, and left the entire town paralyzed with horror. On the bodies of all victims recovered by detectives there were found pieces of jewelry from the...