Plot: In his thirties, Ali Kilic took his daughter in his arms. At the same time he learns that his life is 90 days. Moreover, an old account that has been trying to forget and ignore, is just coming back again unexpectedly that day. The world's most unequal, most unjust war is about to begin. In his thirties...
Plot: Dur Yolcu is a TV series about the Battle of Gallipoli, which was broadcast on TRT 1 in 2008, written by Ömer Erbil, and directed by Hakan Sahin and Ismail Günes. A major, a girl - Both snipers. Somebody Anatolian woman, the other is Australia's most famous kangaroo hunter - A story of the Dardanelles...
Plot: The troubles of the young people during their adolescence, the secrets they hide from their parents and teachers, the TV series that describes the happiness and sadness in high school.
Plot: Ece has grown up and become a beautiful woman. His father, Sedat, will not give up the methods he has been using for years to protect his daughter from the men and evil of the outside world.