Plot: Esref Saati tells the story of two stubborn braves who fell in love with each other's sisters. The story of Sari Esref and Kara Esref, two bullies born in the same neighborhood, who never agree but can not leave at all.
Plot: Aslý and Kerem, two young people from different parts of the society, get married one week after they meet. The differences in this young couple's lives turn into enjoyable memories thanks to their love for each other. This lovely comedy serial was watched with fun for weeks. Aslý and Kerem, two young...
Plot: The troubles of the young people during their adolescence, the secrets they hide from their parents and teachers, the TV series that describes the happiness and sadness in high school.
Plot: It all starts with the party Azize gave to introduce Hasan to her friends. While the two girls sit in the dark, bored after the party, Hasan appears when they least expect it.