Plot: The inseparable mates Rafet and Saffet are two clever and clumsy journalists who work at a newspaper's sports service. One is a newspaper photographer and the other a sports writer. Though they are inseparable, they have totally different personalities. Saffet is tidy, meticulous, skilled, emotional...
Plot: The life story of three faithful schoolmates: Pervin, Gul and Ayse. As going through the struggles of life, they always back up each other. They are the three aces of a volleyball team, too. After being graduated, every year they meet at Naci Baba's (Father Naci) café for their anniversary. Each of...
Plot: Esref Saati tells the story of two stubborn braves who fell in love with each other's sisters. The story of Sari Esref and Kara Esref, two bullies born in the same neighborhood, who never agree but can not leave at all.
Plot: In his thirties, Ali Kilic took his daughter in his arms. At the same time he learns that his life is 90 days. Moreover, an old account that has been trying to forget and ignore, is just coming back again unexpectedly that day. The world's most unequal, most unjust war is about to begin. In his thirties...
Plot: The BAU investigates seemingly random fatal explosions throughout Kentucky and Tennessee. Zeynep is a young and ambitious woman having a hopeful prospect for the future. She has a happy marriage and a little son whom she loves above all. A traffic accident makes their happy life Topsy-turvy. The teacher...