Plot: A yearlong journey follows the lives of teachers and school leaders struggling to keep students on track to graduation at Washington (D.C.) Metropolitan High School, a public school where just 7 percent of students are considered proficient in math and only 19 percent in reading. Principal Tanishia...
Plot: Windsor Castle, originally founded by William the Conqueror, is the longest-occupied castle in the world. It has been home to England's royal family for nearly a thousand years and has seen numerous births, deaths and marriages. As 2017 marks the centenary of the Windsor dynasty, this documentary series...
Plot: Women with a Mission is a series of 3 short documentary films. Each film tells a compelling story about a woman with a mission who, under most challenging circumstances, follows her passion and uses sports for change.
Plot: Exploring Irish women's lives since achieving the vote 100 years ago. On the 100th anniversary of women's suffrage, travel through time, seeking historical answers in the journeys of a number of Irish women today.
Plot: An exclusive glimpse inside the UK's only private maternity hospital, where everyone from Victoria Beckham to the Duchess of York has paid a premium for the ultimate pampered birth.
Plot: Documentary that takes viewers inside the Western Massachusetts Regional Women's Correctional Centre, in which several hundred female inmates are housed together, and examines the reality of their lives inside. Although all criminals, many with histories of violence, these prisoners are also people...
Plot: The reality of life behind the walls of the Western Massachusetts Regional Women's Correctional Center, where mothers, daughters, grandmothers and sisters are also gangbangers, murderers, drug smugglers and armed robbers.