Plot: Women in Prison is an American television sitcom created by Katherine Green which aired on Fox from October 11, 1987 to February 20, 1988. Wikipedia
Plot: This docu-series follows a group of female inmates at the Rockville Correctional Facility in Indiana and the transformation the ladies make during their time at the facility. The women featured are in three different stages of incarceration -- some are just entering prison, others are in the middle...
Plot: Las Vegas is one of America's top tourist destinations, but it's Sin City's seedy underworld - which visitors rarely see - that is explored in this two-part series. Journalist Trevor McDonald uncovers the secrets of the Nevada city, which grew from nothing to being a haven for shady people. McDonald...
Plot: Trevor McDonald returns to the world of the Mafia, this time gaining unprecedented access to the wives, daughters and girlfriends of notorious gangsters.
Plot: Trevor visits Scotland Yard's crime museum, dubbed the 'black museum' by the press, and explores the crimes of George John Hague - the Acid Bath Murderer.
Plot: A two part programme in which Trevor McDonald takes viewers on a journey into the machinations of the American mafia, gaining unprecedented access to some of the people with first-hand experience of the money, glamour and violence.
Plot: In this three-part miniseries, journalist Trevor McDonald travels across the Caribbean and discovers how each region is shaped and defined by money. Some of the areas, such as Barbados and the Bahamas, are inhabited or owned by extremely wealthy people, and contain expensive resorts, such as Musha...