Plot: Set in the early 19th century Lebanon, amidst a time of feudalism, the "Nisr" powerful family struggle to keep control over the lands and the peasants altogether. Greed to rule, plotting, murders, and scandals threaten the bond that has united the noble "Nisr" family for many years; the oppressed villagers...
Plot: Kiralık AÅk is a Turkish romantic drama television series, starring BarıŠArduç, Elçin Sangu, Salih Bademci, Sinem Ãztürk, Nergis Kumbasar, and Levent Ãlgen. It premiered on Star TV on June 19, 2015. The final episode aired on January 20, 2017. Wikipedia...
Plot: In this neo-noir social thriller, Oscar winner Renée Zelwegger stars as Anne Montgomery, a woman of extreme wealth who makes young scientist Lisa a steamy proposal. Lisa is on the verge of a breakthrough that would save the lives of millions of kids, but she needs funding to go through with the trials...
Plot: Mayar alaji (taim hassan) comes from london because of his father's death.The father wanted to give money to a girl that he adopted, so after he died, Mayar gave her the money and fell in love and married her.After the marriage she stole his money and ran away, so he went looking for her. Mayar alaji...
Plot: Samra - a beautiful young nomad who transforms poverty and despair, death and suffering into beauty and enchanting dance - roams the streets where the crowd, captivated by her Gipsy magnificent beauty, surrounds her while she is dancing,. Thamer, a young doctor heads the delegation of "Doctors without...