Plot: An Egyptian doctor agrees to work undercover as an informant to the police and takes a job finding ancient artefacts for a big-time antiquities smuggler.
Plot: Celebrity Duets is the Arabic version of the American program Celebrity Duets, where Arabâs most prominent professional singers team up with 13 non-singing celebrities from different backgrounds, in ... Wikipedia
Plot: In this neo-noir social thriller, Oscar winner Renée Zelwegger stars as Anne Montgomery, a woman of extreme wealth who makes young scientist Lisa a steamy proposal. Lisa is on the verge of a breakthrough that would save the lives of millions of kids, but she needs funding to go through with the trials...
Plot: A contemporary social drama series, "La Totfe el Shams" is based on the novel by the Egyptian writer Ehsan Abdul-Quddus. The series is a subversive take on the novel that revolves around the lives and problems of the family of the late Ibrahim Abulmagd. The family consists of the widow and mother Eqbal...
Plot: The marriage of Ramzi, an elderly man and widower, to the much younger Nisrine shocks his son Jad and his girlfriend Silla, bringing the whole family together in an effort to force the young wife out of the family farm.
Plot: Set in the early 19th century Lebanon, amidst a time of feudalism, the "Nisr" powerful family struggle to keep control over the lands and the peasants altogether. Greed to rule, plotting, murders, and scandals threaten the bond that has united the noble "Nisr" family for many years; the oppressed villagers...