Plot: A tumultuous life, fantastic career and volatile relationships of the legendary Yugoslav singer Toma Zdravkovic. The series follows the highs and lows of the famous bohemian and 'king of sorrow' that inspired his unique, timeless music. When the Boston Globe's tenacious "Spotlight" team of reporters...
Plot: Salah Al-Din is a 2001 historical Arabic television series directed by Hatem Ali which deals with the political events in the sixth century AH in the region of the Levant and Egypt, in the scene of the Crusades. Wikipedia
Plot: In a village by the Lebanon-Syria border, the head of an arms-smuggling clan contends with family conflicts, power struggles and complicated love.
Plot: Mayar alaji (taim hassan) comes from london because of his father's death.The father wanted to give money to a girl that he adopted, so after he died, Mayar gave her the money and fell in love and married her.After the marriage she stole his money and ran away, so he went looking for her. Mayar alaji...
Plot: In this neo-noir social thriller, Oscar winner Renée Zelwegger stars as Anne Montgomery, a woman of extreme wealth who makes young scientist Lisa a steamy proposal. Lisa is on the verge of a breakthrough that would save the lives of millions of kids, but she needs funding to go through with the trials...