Plot: Ferhunde Hanim is a post-middle-aged housewife who still cares about her 3 daughters and their marriages. Ferhunde lives with her beloved husband and her closest friend Suzi that helped Ferhunde while raising her children. Even though kids have become mature they still need help and their mother and...
Plot: Nana who used to be a doll lives for 100 years in the fictional World of Toys right after her owner loses her.For her 100th birthday she wishes to be a human and she is sent back to the real world. A rag doll who dreams of becoming human and falling in love - And a desperate father who lost his wife...
Plot: Gece Gündüz is a police procedural soap produced by the Altıoklar Productions. The main characters are Aslan Aydemir and Kemal. They both work at the Istanbul Organized Crime section of the police force. The series finished on its 33rd episode. Wikipedia
Plot: People whom fate brings together with misunderstandings; A lonely man, a young woman who ran away from her angry fiancee, the ALTINSOYLAR family, each of them crazy individuals.
Plot: Canan, who is married and has two children, loses his beauty over time. She has already been aged over the aesthetic problems that have already existed. In contrast, his wife Zafer is a very well-groomed man. His interest in his wife has diminished over time. The women around them are attracted to attention...
Plot: A new day at Berlin Zoo and Berlin Animal Park. Dimas, the one year old elephant, learns a new, tricky command. The keepers steal a few moments with the new sunbear cub and the springhare family gets new, extremely nosey neighbors. A new day at Berlin Zoo and Berlin Animal Park. Dimas, the one year...
Plot: Anyone has the chance to become a police officer when the minister of internal affairs devises a plan to pare down the crime rate and reconcile relations between the public and the police. According to his plan, anyone can become a police officer after undertaking a brief training session. To sabotage...