Plot: Nehir is a young single woman who runs a cake shop. Together with their 6-year-old daughter Akasya, they try to hold on to life. Although Oguz wants to get closer to Nehir, Nehir does not allow this approach.
Plot: Izzet Unver Boarding Anatolian High School is celebrating its 100th anniversary. There is a big surprise waiting in ceremony. The parents of the former eight students of the school gave their money to their schoolmates in time. This reality that emerged on the day of celebration confuses something....
Plot: Anyone has the chance to become a police officer when the minister of internal affairs devises a plan to pare down the crime rate and reconcile relations between the public and the police. According to his plan, anyone can become a police officer after undertaking a brief training session. To sabotage...
Plot: Cino is an elf and he loves everything. He must help people because helping people is requirements for pass to lesson for that reason great elf gives his mission. Great elf sends Cino to Baris for help.
Plot: Mehmet, a mischievous six-year-old boy, tries everything possible to avoid the divorce of his parents, Sanem, a neurologist, and Ali, an advertising professional.
Plot: The life of Ana Julia Briceño Mendizábal, a gynecologist and obstetrician happily married to pediatrician Reinaldo Gabaldón Leal, and her friend, psychiatrist Valeria Hurt, who are united by a great friendship.