Find more than 15 similar TV shows like GOTAISETSU
Genre: Drama Year Released: 2008 First episode air date: February 16, 2008 Network: NHK Program Creator: NHK Genre: Drama Language: Japanese Cast: Takashi Kashiwabara
Plot: ShÅta no Sushi is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Daisuke Terasawa about a teen boy Sekiguchi Shota and his journey from an apprentice to become a sushi chef. It was later adapted into TV series, produced by Fuji TV. The manga series ended when Shota won the regional sushi...
Plot: Honey and Clover is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Chica Umino. It is also known as HachiKuro and H&C. It is published by Shueisha, initially serialized from June 2000 to July 2006 in the magazines CUTiEcomic, Young YOU, and Chorus, and collected in ten bound volumes. Wikipedia
Plot: Tanimachi Mizuho has big dreams of living in Daikanyama and becoming a famous writer. In the middle of the winter, this strong-willed 26-year-old moves to Tokyo from the snowy countryside. Never doubting her ability, she keeps telling herself that if her desire to realize her dreams is strong enough...
Plot: Amachan is a Japanese television drama series. It debuted on April 1, 2013, and was broadcast until September 28, 2013. It was scripted by KankurÅ KudÅ and starred Rena NÅnen as Aki Amano, a high-school girl from Tokyo who moves to the Sanriku Coast in the Tohoku region to...
Plot: Saka no Ue no Kumo is a Japanese war drama television series which was aired on NHK over three years, from November 29, 2009 to December 2011, as a special taiga drama. The series runs 13 episodes at 90 minutes each. Wikipedia
Plot: Mahiro and Takagi team up to pursue their dreams of making it in the manga industry while sharing experiences, successes and failures along the way.
Plot: NHK KÅhaku Uta Gassen, more commonly known simply as KÅhaku, is an annual New Year's Eve television special produced by Japanese public broadcaster NHK. It is broadcast live simultaneously on television and radio, nationally and internationally by the NHK network and by some overseas...
Plot: The Beach Volleyball Major Series was an international series of beach volleyball tournaments from 2015 to 2020. The tournaments consisted of Tour Stops and formed part of the FIVB Beach Volleyball World Tour. The series concluded with the FIVB World Tour Finals. Wikipedia
Plot: Jun to Ai is a Japanese television drama series. It debuted on October 1, 2012, and was broadcast until March 30, 2013. It is about a girl named Jun KanÅ, raised in Miyakojima, Okinawa, who moves to Osaka to work in a hotel. There she meets a man named Itoshi Machida, with whom she falls in...