Plot: Honey and Clover is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Chica Umino. It is also known as HachiKuro and H&C. It is published by Shueisha, initially serialized from June 2000 to July 2006 in the magazines CUTiEcomic, Young YOU, and Chorus, and collected in ten bound volumes. Wikipedia
Plot: A game is initiated between four roommates, and the winner will gain ownership of their luxurious apartment in the Aoyama district. How will the battle unfold between a freeter, an OL, a gynecologist, a cook and a stylist?
Plot: Odagiri Kyoko is a flashy clairvoyant TV personality who has celebrities and politicians as clients. Yet in reality she is just a regular girl with no special power. She conducts solid detective work to solve mysteries, then passes off the results as her psychic visions. Odagiri Kyoko is a flashy clairvoyant...