Plot: Boku dake no Madonna, sometimes shortened to BokuMado, is a drama series that aired in Japan on Fuji TV in 2003. In English it is often called You are my only Madonna / ... and I Love Her. Wikipedia
Plot: Young model wannabes learn about the business from the bottom up in this hourlong drama from executive producer Ashton Kutcher. Raina Marinelli is a young model on her way up, while Chris Andrews is starting at the bottom of the fashion food chain. Chris lucks out when Raina shares her expertise with...
Plot: ShÅta no Sushi is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Daisuke Terasawa about a teen boy Sekiguchi Shota and his journey from an apprentice to become a sushi chef. It was later adapted into TV series, produced by Fuji TV. The manga series ended when Shota won the regional sushi...
Plot: Long Vacation is a Japanese television drama series from Fuji Television, first shown in Japan from 15 April to 24 June 1996. The show's high ratings in Japan made Takuya Kimura popular in the Asia-Pacific region and is known as "The King of Ratings". Wikipedia
Plot: JinbÄ is a romance manga by Mitsuru Adachi. It appeared irregularly in the manga magazine Big Comic Original from 1992 through 1997, and was collected in one tankÅbon volume in May 1997. In 1998, it was adapted as an 11-episode television drama series by Fuji TV. Wikipedia
Plot: Itazura na Kiss is a Japanese shÅjo manga series written and illustrated by Kaoru Tada. Itazura na Kiss was first serialized and published in 1990 by Shueisha through Bessatsu Margaret magazine. It became successful very quickly and became the manga series that Tada became known for in Japan...
Plot: Lunch no JoÅ is a Japanese drama series aired in Japan on Fuji TV in 2002. It stars YÅ«ko Takeuchi, YÅsuke Eguchi, Satoshi Tsumabuki, and Shinichi Tsutsumi. Wikipedia