Plot: Aimed at the toddler and pre-school set, "Caillou" is an educational show that stars the 4-year-old title character (pronounced KY-YOO), who lives with his mother, father and sister in a blue house on Pine Street. Caillou has invisible friends, learns how to play sports and explores nature. Friendly...
Plot: Jefferson Anderson is a Finnish animated sitcom. The computer-animated series portrays a satirical view of daily events in Helsinki at a police precinct in the suburb of Pasila. The series is made by members of the same team that made the award-winning series The Autocrats, a political animated satire...
Plot: Peppa, an outgoing preschool pig, participates in many energetic activities. She learns something new every day and has a lot of fun with her family and friends.
Plot: Everyone knows someone with a special laugh--and Gigglebug's is one of the greatest ever. It's his gift, his innate ability and the key to transforming attitudes, which ultimately shakes loose every gummed-up situation he runs across. The stories are set in the oh-so enchanted Greengown Forest, where...
Plot: Pajama Party is an American talk show broadcast in 2000 and hosted by Katie Puckrik. The series was an American remake of the British television series Pyjama Party also created by Puckrik which she hosted in 1996. Wikipedia
Plot: Kotikatu is a Finnish drama television series which aired on Yle TV1 from August 24, 1995 to December 7, 2012. Kotikatu was titled as "a semi-soap opera". It is the second longest running Finnish drama television series after soap opera Salatut elämät. Wikipedia
Plot: The Moomins return in a renewed adaptation of the original production by Tove Jansson. Moomintroll and his friends venture beyond the idyllic setting of Mooninvalley to explore the distant and magical lands that reside beyond it.
Plot: Ylen aamu-tv is a Finnish TV morning news and magazine programme directed by Annina Enbuske and Erja Ollonen which has been broadcast on Yle TV1 in Finland since 3 March 1997. The programme is relayed outside of Finland by TV Finland which is available terrestrially in parts of Sweden. Wikipedia
Plot: Pelle Hermanni is a Finnish children's TV show shown on Yle TV2 in the Pikku Kakkonen children's program. The show's main character is Pelle Hermanni, a clown who lives in his own trailer at a circus trailer park. He was played by Veijo Pasanen. Wikipedia