Plot: Yle Nyheter TV-nytt is the name of the daily television news programmes on the Swedish-speaking Finnish TV channel Yle Teema & Fem, at the Finnish Broadcasting Company. The programme is also broadcast on TV Finland. Wikipedia
Plot: Pikku Kakkonen is an ongoing Finnish magazine-type children's TV show shown on Yle TV2. The first episode aired on January 11, 1977. It finished with a bedtime story read by the late Lasse Pöysti and an East German Sandman animation, setting the format for hundreds of later episodes. Wikipedia
Plot: Yle Uutiset is the Finnish news production unit of Yle. Yle Uutiset also produces news in Sami, Russian and English. News in the other national language, Swedish, is produced by the unit Svenska Yle. On TV, news is broadcast daily on Yle TV1 at 11:00, 15:00, 17:00, 18:00, 20:30 and 21:45 EET. Wikipedia...
Plot: Ylen aamu-tv is a Finnish TV morning news and magazine programme directed by Annina Enbuske and Erja Ollonen which has been broadcast on Yle TV1 in Finland since 3 March 1997. The programme is relayed outside of Finland by TV Finland which is available terrestrially in parts of Sweden. Wikipedia