Plot: "Abby Hatcher" is a little girl who has a big heart. She tries to help her friends learn from their mistakes and mishaps while also helping them to negotiate their emotions. In Abby's world, humans coexist with Fuzzlies, creatures that have their own unique ability that makes them special. Abby's parents...
Plot: Kind-hearted dragon-in-training Digby has a thirst for adventure, which often lands him in some unusual situations. But Digby is able to overcome the trouble he faces as his bravery and determination help him tackle any obstacle that gets in his way. That makes him a good preschool companion to friends...
Plot: Cheetree, Penguala, Draggle, Puppit, and their new friends explore Hatchtopia, solving mysteries, learning life lessons, and having exciting adventures.
Plot: Polly is often told she is too little to do the things she wants to do, but Polly proves what every kid knows, that being little isn't a limitation.