Plot: Based on real events, this Norwegian drama re-tells the Nazis' attempt to create an atomic bomb during World War II. A German scientist leads the secret project in Norway. When the scheme requires an enormous amount of water to create a nuclear chain reaction, the Nazis' endeavour to get the water...
Plot: Nissene på låven is a Nordic Christmas calendar that aired on TVNorge in 2001, and is a spoof of reality TV. A sequel, Nissene over skog og hei, aired in 2011. Wikipedia
Plot: Greed, politics and journalism are at the heart of this Norwegian thriller that follows six days in the life of journalist Peter Veras. After receiving an anonymous tip of a financial scandal, he begins an investigation that leads to evidence of Norway's elite being involved in financial fraud. One...
Plot: Norske Talenter is a Norwegian talent show with a similar format to Britain's Got Talent, making it one of the Got Talent franchise programmes. The 16-year-old singer Erlend Bratland won the first series and Quick, a hip hop dance group, won the second series. Wikipedia
Plot: The women all having their challenges are about to discover they are all half sisters. The mother Annika, trying to keep a facade. The professional skier Trine. And the farmers daughter Oda, looking forward to take over the family farm.
Plot: The series takes place on Granli in Oslo. It's about three very different families living in the same neighborhood. The family Jonas Kvåle and Maria Lerke, the family Pedersen and the family Kopperud.