Plot: Sverre Fjeld, a young policeman, comes in contact with Trude, a single mom, who's former boyfriend belonged to a drug cartel. Sverre gets more and more involved in her problems and her life, and is slowly drawn into a web of lies and crime. Sverre Fjeld, a young policeman, comes in contact with Trude...
Plot: A fresh actor, semi-playing herself as a smart ass actor with annoying self esteem in a semi-real environment meeting real actors, trying to cope with her.
Plot: HimmelblÃ¥ is a Norwegian drama series which aired on NRK1 in Norway, on SVT in Sweden and on RÃV in Iceland. It is based on the British TV drama Two Thousand Acres of Sky written by Timothy Prager and produced by Adrian Bate. Wikipedia
Plot: Greed, politics and journalism are at the heart of this Norwegian thriller that follows six days in the life of journalist Peter Veras. After receiving an anonymous tip of a financial scandal, he begins an investigation that leads to evidence of Norway's elite being involved in financial fraud. One...