Plot: Sverre Fjeld, a young policeman, comes in contact with Trude, a single mom, who's former boyfriend belonged to a drug cartel. Sverre gets more and more involved in her problems and her life, and is slowly drawn into a web of lies and crime. Sverre Fjeld, a young policeman, comes in contact with Trude...
Plot: Following different families and relations in Norwegian small town Lovranger and in capitol Oslo from second world war until 1972, when Norway decides to say no to the EEC (now EU).
Plot: The story is set in the fictitious Norwegian town of Solbekk, where we meet several families bonded together in different ways. The title of the series reflects the name of a club in which most of the women in the series takes part. We meet people of all ages and from all social classes; school children...
Plot: Karl III is a Norwegian sitcom that aired on TV 2 in 2009. It is a sequel to Mot i brøstet and Karl & Co. Upon its release it was heavily criticized by both critics and viewers for departing from the series' original style. It was cancelled after one season. Wikipedia