Plot: Jack Hanna has hosted TV shows about wildlife since the premiere of "Jack Hanna's Animal Adventures" in 1993 and has become a zoological authority in his 30-plus years working at the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium in Ohio. On "Wild Countdown," he uses his knowledge and experience to present count-down lists...
Plot: Using your smartphone or tablet while watching a movie on your 60-inch HDTV? If so, you're not like the people featured on "Rural Heritage." They're not interested in using the latest technology. These people lead a life that puts spending time with family and community above modern inventions and...
Plot: Horse trainer Trey Young hosts this series that features some of the training techniques he learned on his family's Florida ranch and while working with other horsemen. The show follows Young as he trains a 2-year-old mare for her first trail ride, including guiding her through water. He also takes...
Plot: Julie Goodnight has spent her whole life around horses, from growing up on a Florida ranch to her years working as a trainer and clinician. With this show she shares her knowledge of equines with viewers. Goodnight analyzes and tries to correct dysfunctional horse/human relationships. After training...
Plot: Scotty Cobb, Sean Koehler and John Klam invite viewers to ride with them as the hosts of this weekly show that guides newcomers and seasoned pros through the performance horse industry. The show covers a number of disciplines, including steer-wrestling, goat-tying, barrel-racing and team roping. In...
Plot: Tyler Magnus, a member of the Texas Cowboy Hall of Fame, is considered one of the top horsemen in the world. In addition to having experience roping and riding horses, Magnus is also skilled at teaching horsemanship and roping to beginners and professionals alike. With this show, he is able to bring...