Plot: Red Steagall is known for many occupations, including being a singer, songwriter and TV host. In this series, the cowboy and his horse set off to explore the people, places and stories of the American West, with a focus on horses and ranches. Steagall also visits museums that present images of the...
Plot: Pam Minick -- a former Miss Rodeo America -- is the hostess of this series that celebrates people and places that are important to the ranching lifestyle in America. Episodes profile livestock producers along with their ranches, ranching practices and -- of course -- the livestock. Other segments often...
Plot: Clinton Anderson's family recognized his natural equine affinity at a young age, so the Australia native had his first horse as a 9-year-old, and he has been working with and training the animals ever since. Along with touring, Anderson has been conducting clinics throughout the U.S. since 1997 and...
Plot: The Lone Ranger, the sole survivor of a group of Texas Rangers, befriends an American Indian. Together, the two set out to defend people from evil forces.