Plot: Rossella is an Italian television series. The story is set in Genoa late in the nineteenth century. The main character is a beautiful young girl named Rossella from a very wealthy family of high social class. In an accident she meets a journalist named Giuliano and falls in love with him at first sight...
Plot: Based on a character created by Italian writer Andrea Camilleri in a series of novels and short stories, each episode of `Inspector Montalbano' tells a stand-alone story of the inspector's astute detective work in and around the fictional Italian town of Vigata. Luca Zingaretti stars in the lead rol...
Plot: Provaci ancora prof! is an Italian television series. The show follows the story of Camilla Baudino, a high school teacher that often finds herself involved in some crimes. Camilla, an amateur detective, collaborates with policemen to resolve these cases and in the meantime she takes care of her husband...
Plot: Ho Sposato Uno Sbirro is an Italian police detective series, which ran from 2008 to 2010 on Rai 1. It stars Flavio Insinna as police commissioner Diego Santamaria. Wikipedia
Plot: Incantesimo is a long-running Italian drama series, originally broadcast on the RAI network from 1998 to 2008. It is mainly set in a hospital called Clinica Life in Rome, Italy, and revolves around the lives of the staff that works in it. Wikipedia
Plot: Imperium: Pompeii is a 2007 Italian television film and part of the Imperium series. It tells the story of the last days of Pompeii, the city buried by the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 AD. It was shot in the Empire Studios in Hammamet, Tunisia. Mass scenes involved about 3,200 extras. Wikipedia