Plot: I Cesaroni is an Italian television series produced since 2006 by Publispei and Mediaset RTI. The series is transmitted not only in Italy but also in Portugal, in the Czech Republic, Greece and Turkey. It is inspired by the Spanish series Los Serrano. In Italy, six seasons of the series have been aired...
Plot: Che Dio ci aiuti is an Italian TV series that has been broadcast in Italy since December 2011. Che Dio ci Aiuti is an Italian TV series. The pilot was aired in Italy on December 15, 2011. Wikipedia
Plot: I Get That A Lot is a reality television special originally created by Danny Harris occasionally airing on CBS, which sets up celebrities in everyday working class jobs. Hidden cameras are used to capture the reactions of unsuspecting customers and bypassers. Wikipedia
Plot: L'onore e il Rispetto is an Italian crime drama broadcast on Canale 5. It is composed of four seasons of six episodes each: the first aired in 2006, the second in 2009 and the third in 2012. The fourth season, initially scheduled for the first months of the year, was broadcast from 1 September 2015...
Plot: Caterina e le sue figlie is an Italian television series that aired from December 4, 2005 to March 3, 2010 on Canale 5. The comedy series follows single mother Catherine as she tries to balance raising three daughters alone and dating. Wikipedia
Plot: Imperium: Pompeii is a 2007 Italian television film and part of the Imperium series. It tells the story of the last days of Pompeii, the city buried by the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 AD. It was shot in the Empire Studios in Hammamet, Tunisia. Mass scenes involved about 3,200 extras. Wikipedia
Plot: On a rainy day, Alice is tied and gagged into a country house, and through a series of flashbacks she traces the events that dragged her into this situation. Alice, Dora and Sofia are three very different women, friends since school, and all three are now close to the fateful forties of forty years....