Plot: Caterina e le sue figlie is an Italian television series that aired from December 4, 2005 to March 3, 2010 on Canale 5. The comedy series follows single mother Catherine as she tries to balance raising three daughters alone and dating. Wikipedia
Plot: How many secrets one true love can endure? How many obstacles? All the secrets and lies the characters have to go through in this story of crime and passion will kept them apart from their loved ones. They will do anything - just for love.
Plot: Incantesimo is a long-running Italian drama series, originally broadcast on the RAI network from 1998 to 2008. It is mainly set in a hospital called Clinica Life in Rome, Italy, and revolves around the lives of the staff that works in it. Wikipedia
Plot: Micaela is a young Argentine who travels to Milan to work as a photographer in a newspaper that has given her a scholarship. There he will have Sebastián, a prestigious journalist, also an American, who is married to a designer with whom he has a son. Between both arises an irrepressible attraction...
Plot: I dieci anni che hanno sconvolto lItalia, raccontati dal punto di vista di chi ha combattuto la violenza, lintolleranza, il terrorismo e lodio per i rivali politici restando fedele alle istituzioni. Tre destini comuni: nella stagione dellodio, quando occorreva fare delle scelte. Tre uomini liberi. Tre...