Plot: Sandokan is a 1976 Italian six-part television series directed by Sergio Sollima, based upon the novels of Emilio Salgari featuring the pirate hero Sandokan. It was followed twenty years later by a sequel The Return of Sandokan with Kabir Bedi reprising his role as Sandokan. Wikipedia
Plot: Mino was the eighth ZDF-Weihnachtsserie, and aired in 1986. The series was broadcast in Germany on ZDF, and consisted of 6 episodes. Broadcasting in Germany began on December 25, 1986. The series was also broadcast in Italy, and consisted of 4 episodes. Broadcasting in Italy began on December 28, 1986...
Plot: Tom Clancy's Op-Center is a novel series, created by Tom Clancy and Steve Pieczenik, though the first 12 books were written by Jeff Rovin between 1995 and 2005. The four books in the series reboot from 2014 are written by Dick Couch, George Galdorisi and Jeff Rovin. Wikipedia
Plot: After establishing a settlement at Hispaniola, Columbus returns to Spain a hero, but falls out of favor due to the outlandish demands of the crown, favorable treatment of natives and failure to find the western route to the Orient.
Plot: Summer's Lease is a British television drama series which aired in four parts on BBC2 in 1989. It is based on John Mortimer's novel of the same title, adapted by the author. Wikipedia
Plot: First Born is a British science fiction television serial produced by the BBC in 1988. Vasco Sabino played the adolescent hybrid, Gor, in episode 3. Other notable cast members included Jamie Foster, Julie Peasgood, Gabrielle Anwar, Philip Madoc, Sharon Duce and Roshan Seth. Wikipedia