Plot: A smart and fearless collie named Lassie performs a series of heroic tasks for her human owners and friends. For the first several years of the series, Lassie lived on family farms, before moving on to work with forest rangers in the wilderness and ultimately settling in at Holden ranch, a ranch for...
Plot: A company decides to build a casino on an ancient Indian burial ground and accidentally awakens a demon. Soon, the demon goes on a killing spree, terrorising the small desert community.
Plot: Two middle-aged neighbours have engaged in a not-so-friendly rivalry for years. Now each is trying to outdo the other in planning the Halloween shindig to end all Halloween shindigs.
Plot: Sandokan is a 1976 Italian six-part television series directed by Sergio Sollima, based upon the novels of Emilio Salgari featuring the pirate hero Sandokan. It was followed twenty years later by a sequel The Return of Sandokan with Kabir Bedi reprising his role as Sandokan. Wikipedia
Plot: A scientist's secret experiments, conducted in a popular vacation island, result in the creation of a highly evolved, mutated humanoid amphibious creature. There are only three days to hunt down and kill it before it reproduces.
Plot: The Monkey King, also known as The Lost Empire, is a 2001 miniseries television produced by NBC and the SciFi Channel. It is a contemporary take on the classic 16th century novel Journey to the West. It stars Bai Ling, Thomas Gibson, Russell Wong, Eddie Marsan, and Randall Duk Kim. Wikipedia
Plot: Tom Clancy's Op-Center is a novel series, created by Tom Clancy and Steve Pieczenik, though the first 12 books were written by Jeff Rovin between 1995 and 2005. The four books in the series reboot from 2014 are written by Dick Couch, George Galdorisi and Jeff Rovin. Wikipedia