Plot: Investigation Discovery's true-crime storytelling is often rooted in its award-winning visuals, but it's audio from actual 911 calls that sets the tone in `Murder Calls.' Each hourlong episode tracks a criminal investigation in which detectives must decipher the contents and subtext of an emergency...
Plot: The harrowing accounts of people who have faced horrifying ordeals and made it out alive; through sheer grit, they were able to fight back, outwit their tormentors and escape.
Plot: "It's not like in the movies," police Sgt. David White says, describing his encounter with a gun-wielding suspect that was captured on his body camera. The video is among those featured on this series, which offers unprecedented access to police units that are using this innovative and vital technology...
Plot: Lt. Joe Kenda recounts unsolved cases, his timeless dedication to working on them; and reflects on imparting wisdom to a rookie about how all victims and all leads matter.
Plot: In the cold, isolated world of Michigan's Upper Peninsula, detectives launch an investigation into the disappearance of Chris Regan, never expecting to come face to face with a possible serial killer.