Plot: Bordering four states and parts of Canada, Lake Erie is a popular Midwest destination for year-round family activities. Ominously, it's also the home to some dark and deadly crimes. This programming event brings viewers to the edge of Erie's waters to explore murder cases in the region, topped by an...
Plot: Lt. Joe Kenda recounts unsolved cases, his timeless dedication to working on them; and reflects on imparting wisdom to a rookie about how all victims and all leads matter.
Plot: Here today, gone tomorrow. Thousands of people go missing in the United States each year, leaving behind only a mystery without any clues. Their stories are told in "Disappeared" through the voices of family, friends and investigators trying to solve the case, with each hourlong episode recounting...
Plot: Lt. Joe Kenda spent 23 years in the Colorado Springs Police Department, where he amassed a lifetime of memories catching killers and helping solve close to 400 homicide investigations. The vivid memories are brought back to life in this hourlong series, as Kenda reopens his "Murder Books" for viewers...
Plot: Veteran journalist Paula Zahn steps out of the studio and into the field to unravel criminal investigations, tracking the drama of each story by featuring the opinions of those closest to the case, including law enforcement officials, the families of the victims and the incarcerated, lawyers from both...
Plot: There are plenty of primetime newsmagazines on broadcast and cable TV that bring viewers stories of unsolved murders and other crimes, but the crime genre is underrepresented on daytime TV, which is dominated by talk and court shows. "Crime Watch Daily," hosted by veteran crime journalist Matt Doran...