Plot: The power of Investigation Discovery's dedicated fanbase unites with legendary victims' rights advocate John Walsh to continue his lifelong mission to track down fugitives on the run and find missing children. On each hourlong episode, John tells the time-sensitive stories of two fugitives and two...
Plot: Here today, gone tomorrow. Thousands of people go missing in the United States each year, leaving behind only a mystery without any clues. Their stories are told in "Disappeared" through the voices of family, friends and investigators trying to solve the case, with each hourlong episode recounting...
Plot: Aphrodite Jones' numerous true-crime books have captivated readers for years. Now, the best-selling author and criminal profiler brings her uncanny instincts to this programme that focuses on the compelling cases that commanded the headlines. From the unsolved murder of child beauty-pageant contestant...
Plot: If you're going to do the crime, you might as well do it with passion. `Scorned: Crimes of Passion' is perfect Saturday night TV for those who prefer a voyeuristic peek into how lust and obsession can destroy lives. From dalliances with strip-club dancers to teachers falling for their students, the...
Plot: Lt. Joe Kenda spent 23 years in the Colorado Springs Police Department, where he amassed a lifetime of memories catching killers and helping solve close to 400 homicide investigations. The vivid memories are brought back to life in this hourlong series, as Kenda reopens his "Murder Books" for viewers...
Plot: Powerfully emotional stories tell of people who have been targets of compulsive stalkers. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 6 million people in the United States are stalked each year, and in most instances, the stalker is someone the victim already knows. The programme...
Plot: In "Impact of Murder," Investigation Discovery uses the victim impact statement as a storytelling device. These statements are delivered in court allowing a family member or friend to describe the impact of a crime. They are a source of strength for those who feel helpless in the face of a senseless...
Plot: Once dėÆ "Wonderland" because of its immense summer beauty and grandeur, the rolling mountains and deep forests of the Pacific Northwest become a haven for a series of murders. Using stylized re-enactments and interviews with law enforcement personnel and family and friends of victims, episodes focus...
Plot: This spinoff of Investigation Discovery favorites "Evil Kin" and "Evil Twins" dramatizes actual events in the lives of women as they morph from unhinged step-moms into bloodthirsty step-monsters. Episodes feature stylized re-enactments and commentary from victims' family and friends, as well as law...
Plot: "It's not like in the movies," police Sgt. David White says, describing his encounter with a gun-wielding suspect that was captured on his body camera. The video is among those featured on this series, which offers unprecedented access to police units that are using this innovative and vital technology...
Plot: In the cold, isolated world of Michigan's Upper Peninsula, detectives launch an investigation into the disappearance of Chris Regan, never expecting to come face to face with a possible serial killer.
Plot: Lt. Joe Kenda recounts unsolved cases, his timeless dedication to working on them; and reflects on imparting wisdom to a rookie about how all victims and all leads matter.