Plot: In Tokyo in the 80s, before the Big Bubble: Momoko is the second oldest daughter of four siblings in the Mitamura family. After her father Tadashi Mitamura is laid off from work and suddenly disappears, the sensitive Momoko feels most responsible to fill his place. But the family starts to break apart...
Plot: Atashinchi no Danshi is a Japanese drama produced by Fuji Television starring actress Maki Horikita. The producer, director, and screenwriter for the series consists of the same team that created the successful 2007 drama Hanazakari no Kimitachi e. Wikipedia
Plot: Princess Princess D is a Japanese television drama originally aired by TV Asahi from June to September 2006. The series centers on three high school students involved in their school's cross-dressing princess system, and was loosely based on the manga Princess Princess by Mikiyo Tsuda. Wikipedia
Plot: This series follows the lives of four vampires that live together; Kiyoi is the eldest who takes care of the others, Masakazu is a college student who gets information on criminal activities and Ageha and Makoto both go to high-school.
Plot: Teen Court: 10-dai Saiban is a 2012 Japanese television drama series. This television series is inspired by the teen court justice system found in the United States. Teen courts allows teenagers who commit minor offenses to be tried by other teenagers, and they follow the concept of restorative justice...
Plot: A trouble-prone schoolgirl receives the ability to transform into a powerful heroine and assembles a team of friends and allies to battle the forces of evil that threaten the world.
Plot: Three humanoid monsters living among and protecting humanity are pulled into a plot unlike anything they've ever known when their way of life is threatened.