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Nemureru mori no jukujo
Genre: Japanese television drama Year Released: 2012 First episode air date: September 4, 2012 Network: NHK Program Creator: NHK Writers: Eriko Shinozaki
Plot: Beautiful Rain is a 2012 Japanese television series. It features actor Etsushi Toyokawa and Mana Ashida as Keisuke and Miu respectively, a father and daughter pair. Keisuke was suddenly diagnosed with Early-onset Alzheimer's disease, which drastically affected their family's life. Wikipedia
Plot: Teen Court: 10-dai Saiban is a 2012 Japanese television drama series. This television series is inspired by the teen court justice system found in the United States. Teen courts allows teenagers who commit minor offenses to be tried by other teenagers, and they follow the concept of restorative justice...
Plot: In Tokyo in the 80s, before the Big Bubble: Momoko is the second oldest daughter of four siblings in the Mitamura family. After her father Tadashi Mitamura is laid off from work and suddenly disappears, the sensitive Momoko feels most responsible to fill his place. But the family starts to break apart...
Plot: Honjitsu wa Taian Nari is a Japanese television drama series based on the Mizuki Tsujimura's novel. It premiered on NHK on January 10, 2012, starring YÅ«ka in the lead role. Wikipedia
Plot: Jun to Ai is a Japanese television drama series. It debuted on October 1, 2012, and was broadcast until March 30, 2013. It is about a girl named Jun KanÅ, raised in Miyakojima, Okinawa, who moves to Osaka to work in a hotel. There she meets a man named Itoshi Machida, with whom she falls in...
Plot: Umechan Sensei is a Japanese television drama series. It debuted on April 2, 2012. It is about a girl named Umeko Shimomura who, despite being overshadowed by her talented older brother and sister, and despite being thought of as a clumsy child, decides to follow in her father's footsteps and become...
Plot: RyÅmaden is the 49th NHK Taiga drama. It was shown on NHK from January 3 to November 28, 2010, spanning 48 episodes. The story centers on the life of 19th-century Japanese historical figures Iwasaki YatarÅ and Sakamoto RyÅma. Wikipedia
Plot: GochisÅsan is a Japanese television drama series. It first aired from 30 September 2013 to 29 March 2014. It is scripted by Yoshiko Morishita, who wrote such dramas as Jin, and stars Anne Watanabe as Meiko Uno, a woman who lives through the Taisho and ShÅwa eras and tries to excel...
Plot: Saka no Ue no Kumo is a Japanese war drama television series which was aired on NHK over three years, from November 29, 2009 to December 2011, as a special taiga drama. The series runs 13 episodes at 90 minutes each. Wikipedia