Plot: Beautiful Rain is a 2012 Japanese television series. It features actor Etsushi Toyokawa and Mana Ashida as Keisuke and Miu respectively, a father and daughter pair. Keisuke was suddenly diagnosed with Early-onset Alzheimer's disease, which drastically affected their family's life. Wikipedia
Plot: Do S Keiji: An uber-sadistic female detective and her nice guy cop, an unbeatable partnership?! Maya chose to become a detective because she thought she could torment bad people all she wants.
Plot: Uchi no Otto wa Shigoto ga Dekinai: Good looks, good education, good income! That's how it's supposed to be, until the day she discovers a secret about her husband. He turns out to be the weakest link at work and drags everyone down.
Plot: A twenty-something salaryman working for a toy company has never had any success with the ladies. He is interested so instead he takes solace in adult videos and the such. He falls for a co-worker, but assumes he will never headway with a cute girl and it may be true until a competitor whispers in his...