Plot: JK is a 2006 Brazilian television series created by Maria Adelaide Amaral and Alcides Nogueira, based on the biography of former president of Brazil Juscelino Kubitschek. Wikipedia
Plot: Presença de Anita is a 2001 Brazilian miniseries based on the novel of the same name written by Mário Donato and published in 1948. The novel was first adapted in 1948 for a 1951 film. Wikipedia
Plot: Maysa: Quando Fala o Coração is a 2009 Brazilian miniseries written by Manoel Carlos and directed by Jayme Monjardim. It's starring Larissa Maciel in the role of Maysa Matarazzo. In 2009, was nominated for Best TV Movie/Mini-Series at the 37th International Emmy Awards. Wikipedia
Plot: Hilda Furacão is a 1998 Brazilian miniseries written by Glória Perez, based on Roberto Drummond's book, starring Ana Paula Arósio in the title role. Wikipedia
Plot: Um Só Coração is a 2004 Brazilian miniseries, produced by Rede Globo that paid homage to the city of São Paulo. It aired during the months of January, February and March 2004, when the celebration of the 450th anniversary of the founding of the city. Wikipedia
Plot: Anos Rebeldes was a popular telenovela which first aired on the Brazilian television Rede Globo on July 14, 1992. It was the first serial drama to highlight themes and stories of political violence and the repressed who were under the military regime. Wikipedia
Plot: Hoje à Dia de Maria was a Brazilian miniseries directed and written by Luiz Fernando Carvalho, co-written by Luis Alberto de Abreu and Carlos Alberto Soffredini, basing themselves on a selection of ... Wikipedia