Plot: Porto dos Milagres is a Brazilian telenovela that was produced and aired by TV Globo from 5 February to 29 September 2001, totaling 203 chapters. It was written by Aguinaldo Silva and Ricardo Linhares and loosely based on two works written by Jorge Amado - The Dead Sea and the discovery of America...
Plot: A simple man, married to a visual artist, becomes friends with a crook who helps him get the attention of his rich uncle but ultimately leads his wife to an apparent death in a car accident, though she survives and assumes a new identity.
Plot: Coração Alado is a Brazilian telenovela produced and broadcast by Rede Globo. It premiered on 11 August 1980 and ended on 14 March 1981, with a total of 185 episodes. It's the twenty fifth "novela das oito" to be aired on the timeslot. It is created and written by Janete Clair and directed by...