Plot: Um Só Coração is a 2004 Brazilian miniseries, produced by Rede Globo that paid homage to the city of São Paulo. It aired during the months of January, February and March 2004, when the celebration of the 450th anniversary of the founding of the city. Wikipedia
Plot: Fera Ferida is a Brazilian telenovela produced and broadcast by Rede Globo. It premiered on 15 November 1993, replacing Renascer and ended on 16 July 1994, with a total of 210 episodes. It's the forty eighth "novela das oito" to be aired on the timeslot. Wikipedia
Plot: Andando nas Nuvens is a Brazilian telenovela produced and broadcast by Rede Globo originally ran from March 22 to November 5, 1999, for 197 episodes. Wikipedia
Plot: Beleza Pura is a Brazilian soap opera produced and broadcast by Rede Globo from February 18 to September 12, 2008, with a total of 179 chapters, substituting Sete Pecados and preceding Três Irmãs at the 19h timeslot. Wikipedia
Plot: Explode Coração is a Brazilian telenovela produced by Rede Globo. The series aired between 6 November 1995 and 4 May 1996, with a total of 155 episodes. It was written entirely by Glória Perez and directed by Ary Coslov, Gracie, and Carlos Araújo Júnior. Wikipedia