Plot: The first part of the series revolves around three young people who live in a popular neighborhood, and because of their carelessness and recklessness they are exposed to many problems and comedy situations. The events of the second part of the series revolve around human conflict and the creation of...
Plot: This Egyptian comedy is about two cousins from opposite worlds. Nelly being a rich and spoiled person meanwhile Sherihan lives with her aunt in a small apartment. Sherihan has three jobs and a greedy fiancé. Nelly on the other hand spends her time hanging out with her friends. She has a rivalry with...
Plot: El-Kabeer Awi is an Egyptian sitcom acted by Ahmed Mekky. Its first part was in Ramadan 2010, the series was stopped in its middle, because Ahmed Mekky had broken his leg, and had to stay at home for a month, the series was continued in the name of El Kabeer Awi 2, and it was released in Ramadan 2011...
Plot: Tamer Wa Shaw'eyyah is an Egyptian sitcom acted by Ahmed El-Fishawy and May Kassab. The screenplay was written by: Amr Samir Atef - Twitter Alasfory - Ayman Ahmed Khalaf Directed by: Osama Al Abd Wikipedia
Plot: Adham travels to Ukraine with a group of illegal immigrants to seek employment and escape the conflicts that had torn his family apart for more than twenty years.
Plot: When three friends, Kono, Horas, and Bakteria, who live in a local neighborhood, try to find a way out of the problems they encounter, they get themselves into much bigger problems with the return of Hamada Boni.