Plot: In the context of excitement and suspense, the series revolves around the drug dealer Afandina (Mustafa Shaban) who tries to monopolize the drug trade, with a strong competitor such as the teacher (Al-Noah) and his son (Bara'a) who seek revenge for (Gharib Al-Nuh) after he killed him (Afandina) ). In...
Plot: A university graduate is denied work because his father and brother are both connected to groups opposed to the regime. He tries to make a life for himself as the turmoil in Egypt escalates towards the revolution of January 25th.
Plot: When three friends, Kono, Horas, and Bakteria, who live in a local neighborhood, try to find a way out of the problems they encounter, they get themselves into much bigger problems with the return of Hamada Boni.
Plot: Hayah had been forced to enter a Psychiatric Hospital by her family, After 13 years She escaped from the hospital and she starts her new life trying to get back her son who do not know that she is his real mother. Hayah (Ghada Abdel Razek Actress) had been forced to enter a Psychiatric Hospital by her...
Plot: A middle-class family suddenly penetrates their lives, a lawyer claims that the daughter of this family (Mai Ezz El-Din) is in fact not the daughter of (Hussein Fahmy), the head of the family, and that she is the daughter of a wealthy businessman who left her and her mother (Raghda) great wealth. Family...