Plot: After 12 years of Republican control, the Democrats retake the White House. Scandals plague the Clinton Administration. After the death of Vince Foster, Clinton calls for an Independent Counsel to investigate. Complex overtones surround the mysterious kidnapping of Yassine, the nine-year-old boy who...
Plot: Tamer Wa Shaw'eyyah is an Egyptian sitcom acted by Ahmed El-Fishawy and May Kassab. The screenplay was written by: Amr Samir Atef - Twitter Alasfory - Ayman Ahmed Khalaf Directed by: Osama Al Abd Wikipedia
Plot: El-Kabeer Awi is an Egyptian sitcom acted by Ahmed Mekky. Its first part was in Ramadan 2010, the series was stopped in its middle, because Ahmed Mekky had broken his leg, and had to stay at home for a month, the series was continued in the name of El Kabeer Awi 2, and it was released in Ramadan 2011...