Plot: El-Kabeer Awi is an Egyptian sitcom acted by Ahmed Mekky. Its first part was in Ramadan 2010, the series was stopped in its middle, because Ahmed Mekky had broken his leg, and had to stay at home for a month, the series was continued in the name of El Kabeer Awi 2, and it was released in Ramadan 2011...
Plot: Blue Blink is a fantasy adventure anime series created by Osamu Tezuka. The anime is based from classic film Konjok-gorbunok by Ivan Ivanov-Vano. The film in turn is based from Pyotr Pavlovich Yershov's The Little Humpbacked Horse. This was Tezuka's last anime series. Wikipedia
Plot: Sara is a Flemish telenovela, based upon the Colombian telenovela Betty La Fea. It tells the story of Sara De Roose, a business economics graduate, who passed with honours at the university but has trouble finding a jobรขuntil she comes across an assistant job in a Belgian fashion company...
Plot: Tamer Wa Shaw'eyyah is an Egyptian sitcom acted by Ahmed El-Fishawy and May Kassab. The screenplay was written by: Amr Samir Atef - Twitter Alasfory - Ayman Ahmed Khalaf Directed by: Osama Al Abd Wikipedia
Plot: A retired circus bear decides to live a quiet life in the forest. However, when Masha, a sprightly young girl, enters the forest, his peaceful life is interrupted.
Plot: Bakkar is an Egyptian cartoon series that has been broadcast on Arabic TV stations during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan each year since the late 1990s. The series revolves around the adventures of a young Nubian-Egyptian boy named Bakkar, his pet Rashida, and his friends. Wikipedia